Are you still using Microsoft Windows XP?
Don’t feel bad, there are some 400 million desktops in the world currently using XP. All your software, images, files are on your computer and it has been serving your needs. You wanted to upgrade but that meant wiping everything off your hard drive and installing Windows 7 or 8 so you kept putting it off. As they say if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
XP was a great operating system and Microsoft has continued to issue security patches. This kept the attackers from taking over or crippling your computer.
Now comes the bad news that Microsoft will no longer support XP after April 8, 2014. The really bad news is the hackers have been waiting. They have stopped releasing their best hacks until after Microsoft stops plugging the holes. That’s when the dam breaks.
Come April 8th the hackers will be at your door so they can use your computer for all their dastardly deeds. So now what…
“the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself“

Windows 7 is a solid operating system. It has many features that will make you glad you switched. And it is inherently more secure than XP.
At Iglou we can make that transition easy and painless. Give us a call and let us guide you through this switch.