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How Much Happens on the Internet Every 60 Seconds?

Think about your activity on the internet at any given minute—chances are it’s all over the place. You could very easily be jumping from Twitter to Facebook, listening to Spotify, shooting off an email, downloading a movie, reading a news site, Googling background info to better understand aforementioned news site, and that’s just on a slow day. Now extrapolate that out to the billions of people online every minute of every day. So suffice it to say, the internet’s pretty bumpin’ on a consistent basis. But just how bumpin’, you ask?

Qmee was kind enough to create an infographic to answer just that. In just 60 seconds, there’s an average of $83,000 in Amazon sales, 278,000 tweets, 72 hours of video uploaded to youtube and 1.8 million Facebook likes. But that’s just the beginning, and this chart doesn’t even begin to cover what’s going on across the rest of the internet. You know—porn. [Qmee via Design Taxi]


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